Why Choose Compass?
- State Board of Nursing approved
- Qualified & experienced instructors
- Quality blood pressure kits for checkout
- Easy to find location
- Open skills lab
- Employer sponsors
- Skills videos
- Regional test site
- Pediatric Plus class
- Skills packets
- Hybrid class option
- Consistently higher state pass rate
One more thing...we care about our students!
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Learn by Watching
Learn from loads of great videos that introduce and explain key concepts. See how Whatever is used in today’s real world. Join now and get access to the best collection of learning resources anywhere on the web!

Learn by Doing
Real understanding comes from hands-on application of principles learned. Learn by working through carefully crafted scenarios that guide thinking and develop understanding

Track your learning
We record comprehensive individual & team metrics to help you monitor progress and direct focus to where it needs to be. Analyse team learning, and compare progress of team members and team groups. Check out the dashboard for a summary of all modules, including those already mastered and those yet to study.
We integrate Q&A and discussion right into the learning environment. Ask a question and get answers from reputable users with proven skills. Be mentored by a Coach. Coaches check-in on learning and offer personal direction and support.
Prove yourself! We reward your achievement with reputation points, badges & privileges.

Extensive coverage
Our courses cover a range of levels from beginner to advanced, and address all the main topics you need to understand to become an expert